What is Skin Pigmentation Treatment?

Skin Pigmentation Treatment at Peters Radiant Clinic is a specialized procedure designed to address various pigmentation concerns, including sunspots, melasma, and hyperpigmentation. Our treatments aim to restore an even, radiant complexion.

How does Skin Pigmentation Treatment Work?

Utilizing advanced technologies such as laser therapy and chemical peels, our Skin Pigmentation Treatment works by targeting and breaking down excess pigment in the skin. This encourages the regeneration of new, healthier skin cells, leading to a more uniform complexion.

Before and After gallery of our clients

Explore a comprehensive suite of aesthetic services tailored to address a diverse range of concerns. From advanced treatments

Skin Pigmentation Treatment Reviews

I struggled with stubborn pigmentation for years, but Peters Radiant Clinic's Skin Pigmentation Treatment worked wonders. The results were visible, and the staff's expertise made the entire process comfortable and reassuring.

Amira Rahim

Quick answers to questions you may have

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How long does it take to see results?

Results vary, but many clients notice improvements after the initial sessions. The treatment plan will be personalized to achieve optimal outcomes.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects are generally minimal, with temporary redness or mild peeling being common. These effects typically resolve within a few days.

Is Skin Pigmentation Treatment suitable for all skin types?

Yes, our clinic offers a range of treatment options suitable for various skin types and pigmentation concerns.

How many sessions are typically required?

The number of sessions depends on the severity of pigmentation. A personalized treatment plan will be discussed during the consultation.

Is the treatment painful?

Discomfort is minimal, often described as a mild tingling sensation. Our team ensures the procedure is as comfortable as possible.

Book an appointment with us now

Peter's Radiant Clinic in Kuala Lumpur is renowned for its commitment to safe and effective aesthetic treatments, enhancing lives with excellence and care.

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Take a step towards personalized care. Reach out to us today and schedule your appointment for a rejuvenating experience.

Operating Hours

  • Monday to Friday: 9 am to 9 pm
  • Saturday: 9 am to 7 pm
  • Sunday: 9 am to 1 pm
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